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Episode 974 | How to Overcome Fear
When fear tries to paralyze our hearts and minds, the most powerful antidote is to remember God's love and choose faith! Our feelings often mislead us, and our circumstances are rarely within our control—but choosing our response leads to peace!
Episode 973 | Leading Loved Ones to Faith
God desires for ALL to come to faith! If you have a friend or loved one who has not encountered the life-changing love of Jesus—do not give up! We have the privilege of praying in agreement with Heaven for eyes to be opened and hearts changed.
Episode 972 | What If I Doubt God?
It's okay to ask, "why"? But try this question instead—"God, what do you want me to learn?" Our doubts cannot overpower God's love and grace. Faith rises when we choose to process our questions and our pain in the presence of our loving Father.
Episode 971 | Faith that Overcomes
How can we please God? Have faith! We never outgrow our dependency on our Heavenly Father. He is always faithful and trustworthy. Our seasons of waiting and uncertainty are opportunities to walk in the victory He already won.
Episode 970 | Embrace Growth
Get ready for God to write your story! Every obstacle we face signals that spiritual growth is on the horizon. Surrendering to God's timing, allows us to experience deep healing, greater faith, and supernatural peace.
Episode 969 | Break Free from Sin
What is trying to hold you back? When our sins, secrets, & negative cycles of thoughts or behaviors try to hold us back, only Jesus can set us free. In Him, we find forgiveness, grace, & love that's powerful enough to renew our minds & set us free.
Episode 968 | Live Free from Shame
God's love is stronger than shame! When our sins or memories of the past make us want to hide, we must run to our Heavenly Father. His light drives away the darkness. His love and mercy set us free! And His truth can replace any lie.
Episode 967 | From Disappointment to Hope
Betrayal. Offense. Disappointment. Every season of pain we face is an opportunity to defiantly choose hope! When we have experienced God's unconditional love and unmerited grace, we are called to extend forgiveness and compassion even to our "enemies."
Episode 966 | See God's Purpose in Our Past
God is the Great Redeemer! He exchanges our pain for purpose, hardship for wisdom, and what was meant to harm us for good. He is faithful to heal our hearts and use our story to help others find hope and freedom.
Episode 965 | Honor God by Serving Others
Serving others is an act of worship. When we choose to love each other well, we demonstrate the tangible love of God. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to more opportunities to serve others, and you will see His hand at work!
Episode 964 | Encountering God in Worship
One moment in God's presence changes everything. We serve a God who shows up in the darkest night of our souls to bring healing and hope. When you don't know what to do or where to turn—choose worship! God is faithful and always keeps His promises.
Episode 963 | Worship in Spirit & Truth
God already knows every detail of our lives. Worshipping in spirit and in truth means we get to come before Him with no pretense and no facade. Our honesty and vulnerability are an act of surrender that leads to healing and lasting freedom.
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